
22 Ways to Get More Customers Using Video

In a world of endless competition your business deserves to be noticed, however no-one ever remembers a faceless brand. In this article, we've shared 22 ways you can use video and StoryPrompt to humanize your brand and get more customers.
Martine Hammar
January 12, 2023

As a business owner, you'll understand the importance of scaling your business. But, despite your best efforts, you might be wondering why you aren't reaching new customers.

You seem to be doing everything right. But, your cold calls are no longer working and cold emails are ignored. Potential customers miss your well-crafted content because it looks the same as every advertisement in their social media feed. Perhaps your potential customers are simply exhausted by all the noise. They might have even installed ad blockers. And then you really don’t stand a chance.

So it’s time to try a new approach!

It’s now more important than ever to be human and put yourself, your team, and your customers on video. Sarah Fisher said that online videos are effective because they “make up more than 82% of all consumer internet traffic.” 

So in order to be noticed, you need a platform like StoryPrompt. StoryPrompt allows you to easily create and engage with video content in order to capture the attention of potential customers.

In this article, I have listed 22 ways you can use StoryPrompt to capture attention get more customers.

  1. Humanize your website with authentic testimonials
  2. Create interactive videos
  3. Boost social media engagement with authentic videos
  4. Turn website visitors into customers using video
  5. Capture leads using video
  6. Improve the performance of email campaigns using video
  7. Increase email engagement with a captivating experience
  8. Onboard new customers using a video-first journey
  9. Embed a video instead of a boring “contact us” form
  10. Add the human presence into your live chat 
  11. Humanize your social media by adding a personal touch 
  12. Introduce customers to your team using video
  13. Personalize your "Out of Office"
  14. Build a Wall of Love to showcase your customers
  15. Warm up those icy-cold emails
  16. Add thought-leadership posts to your social media
  17. Create educational videos using screen-share 
  18. Stitch personalized videos together to form a movie
  19. Bring a personal touch to customer check-ins
  20. Convert more customers with video case-studies
  21. Create a video newsletter
  22. Use QR codes at a live event

1. Humanize your website with authentic testimonials

We all know that the best people to recommend your business are in fact your happiest customers. And if you're going to request a video testimonial from them, they will really appreciate you making the process efficient and simple. StoryPrompt allows you to send your customers a personalized video requesting a testimonial. The respondent then clicks on the link and records their video from any device. The process couldn't be easier.

Their replies are then automatically produced into professional videos, utilizing your own branding, music and b-roll. Videos can be embedded on your website, onto social media, or added to email campaigns.

The fact that you have proudly displayed authentic videos created from your customers will have a really positive impact on any new customer's buying decision. These videos will be relatable and as a result will humanize your brand.

The video below is a StoryPrompt testimonial from a happy customer.

2. Create interactive videos

In this article, I am going to talk a lot about how you can embed buttons onto your videos. This enables your video to become interactive with multiple calls to action. For example, you can link to a website, add a link to your calendar to schedule a meeting, or link to your Youtube channel. 

Customers can then watch your video and decide what they would like to do.

In the screenshot below, you can see three buttons: one to book a meeting, one to link to your services and one to send a video reply. So you are not only requesting a video reply from your customers but allowing them to select where they would like to go.

3. Boost social media engagement with authentic videos

It’s very important to have a presence on social media. Social media is effective for creating brand awareness, lead generation, and nurturing leads. Using Video is a great way to make your presence more relatable and human. Video gets more views and engagement on social media, in fact video generates 1200% more shares than text and image content combined. 

But remember that once your video has been created you can share it to social media. The most effective way to do this is by downloading and uploading to social media, this is because of the dreaded algorithm. This is a great way to show the face behind the brand of your business.

StoryPrompt allows you to capture authentic stories as told by your customers and upload them to social media. These videos are professionally produced but still appear human. Uploading this content created by your customers onto social media is a very authentic way to attract new customers.

In this video, I asked three business owners what the biggest challenge facing their industry was. This video was automatically produced using StoryPrompt and uploaded to Instagram.

4. Turn website visitors into customers using video

A nice, friendly welcome video will be a great first impression of your website. It’s a great way to introduce yourself and/or your team members. You can also use a video prompt to offer a more personalized service like I did here with our concierge service.

It’s a great way not only for them to meet a representative from the company, but also to use the software. It also removes the step of having to request a meeting via email.

The image below is a screenshot from StoryPrompt's website where I created a video prompt and embedded my Calendly link into the video so visitors can book a meeting directly.

5. Capture leads using video

This point links to the point above. By embedding a video on your website you are allowing new customers to book meetings with you, visit your recommended sites and send you a video reply. But you can take this one step further you can collect the contact details of anyone who replies to your video. Using Zapier, you can then import these directly into your CRM, email lists etc.

Embedding a video is a great way to capture the attention of a potential new customer because the new customer is simply replying to your friendly video. The chance of receiving a video reply is far greater than the possibility of them answering your cold call or email. And you can capture their contact details at the same time.

While you are creating the video in StoryPrompt, you can specify which details you would like to collect, for example phone numbers or email addresses.

6. Improve the performance of email campaigns using video

Did you know that including the word "video" in your email subject line can boost your open rates?

Your emails can truly stand out in a busy inbox when you use video. As I mentioned, there’s nothing worse than a cold, template-feeling email so this couldn’t be more of the opposite. By recording a friendly video and embedding it into an email, the recipient is instantly intrigued by the content of the video.

Personalizing the video can also truly capture the attention of the recipient who suddenly feels like you value them and have taken the time to make a unique video for them.

All prompts can be pasted into an email with a thumbnail. This way you are not simply adding a link to an email. By adding a thumbnail, the recipient is more likely to view and respond to the video. A lonely link might appear to be spam and therefore ignored.

This is an example of a link and thumbnail that was pasted into an email.

7. Increase email engagement with a captivating experience

Video prompts can be used to take customers on a journey and therefore become a unique experience for them, and only them.

So for example you could add text to your prompt with a question and then embed two buttons on the prompt – yes and no. The button labeled "yes" could direct them to one video, and the button labeled "no" could direct them to a different video. 

This creates a truly unique experience for your customers and allows you to learn about their needs and provide them content that is based on their preferences.

In the example below I created two buttons: "No I'm ready" would direct users to your signup or login page so they can get started and "Yes please" allows them to book a follow-up call with you.

8. Onboard new customers using a video-first journey

It can be quite a challenge to onboard a new customer in a unique and exciting way. So using prompts and videos can make their onboarding journey significantly more informative and enjoyable.

For example, you could create a “choose your own adventure” experience using videos with embedded buttons to create a different experience for each client based on their specific needs (see point above). Or alternatively you could ask the customer to send you a video reply so you get to know them and their requirements. That way you know, before even having a face-to-face meeting with the customer, you know how best to serve them.

At StoryPrompt we created a unique onboarding journey for a customer and allowed them to use our software by sending someone a really bad joke. So not only are they having fun on the platform but they are using it at the same time. This is particularly helpful if you are aiming for a more product-led approach to your platform.

9. Embed a video instead of a boring “contact us” form

There's nothing worse than being forced to complete a boring form. This can be such a negative experience for a customer who requires some more information or would like to book a meeting. The more unique and enjoyable you can make this process, the better the experience will be for a customer.

By adding a video to your contact us page, not only do you appear more approachable, but you are also giving your customers a new experience. Customers can then respond to your video with their questions or comments. When you create a prompt using StoryPrompt, you can choose to collect their contact details so you can reply to them with your answers.

Below is a screenshot from StoryPrompt where we have embedded a video so customers can reply to the video prompt and we can contact them afterwards.

10. Add the human presence into your live chat 

When I think of live chat, I immediately begin to shudder thinking about the prospect of speaking to a bot. In fact I often find myself asking the person chatting to me whether they are human or a bot. The entire experience is completely different. And while I appreciate that bots can answer simple questions, the experience for the customer is unlikely to be a pleasant one.

And you can take it one step further. By adding a video, the customer knows exactly who they are talking to. You can then embed CTA's onto the video so they can select what they would like to do, for example book a meeting.

The process makes you seem human and therefore more trustworthy. This will create the complete opposite impression when the client knows exactly who they are talking to. Your video might even share some FAQ’s and a meeting link if a customer wants to learn more.

At StoryPrompt we dislike bots so much, we even declared it on our swag.

11. Humanize your social media by adding a personal touch 

Adding a video into your social media and especially to your bio, is a great way to stand out amongst the crowd. This is a fun, friendly way to introduce yourself and tell visitors what they can expect from your profile. This can be used for any of the social media platforms. You might want to ask specific questions to encourage engagement, or alternatively give some insights to provide some value.

This is a great way to generate leads by having asynchronous conversations with potential customers on social media.

Here is an example of a video that was created and uploaded to Twitter asking users what their goals for 2023 were. This video, created through StoryPrompt, received many replies because people wanted to share their goals for the upcoming year.

12. Introduce customers to your team using video

It's always nice to spend some time looking at a company's "about us" page. It's a great way to get to know the team and the experience of the people you will be working with directly. I would always encourage each team member to introduce themselves in some way. But using StoryPrompt, you can take this process to the max.

Each team member could create a video and this could be embedded onto your "about us" page. Using video, each member of your company could give their backstory, explain their role and how they can help.

It’s also a nice idea to add meeting links onto these videos so visitors can book a meeting with a specific member of the team.

13. Personalize your "Out of Office" 

An "Out of Office" autoresponder can often be very bland and cold, but you can really make them more personal by adding a video. This video can either explain where you are and what you’re doing. You could even video yourself in the place you’re visiting if you want to be really personal. It transforms the autoresponder into something truly human.

It also could become an icebreaker with a new customer who feels like they know something about you beyond work-related matters.

14. Build a Wall of Love to showcase your customers

A Wall of Love is a fantastic way to display video testimonials about your company. And the best part is they are created by your happiest customers. This wall is filled with videos that potential customers can view when they are deciding whether to use your platform or not.

Not only does StoryPrompt allow you to automatically produce these testimonials, but using our Wall of Love feature, you can post these to your wall using your preferred layout. This wall can also be updated regularly as you receive more testimonials.

Please note StoryPrompt's Wall of Love feature is coming soon - So watch this space! 🎉

15. Warm up those icy-cold emails

There’s nothing worse than cold emails for both parties involved. They are called cold emails for a reason, they tend to be unfriendly and overly scripted. They lack any form of personalization and will very rarely be the start of a long-term relationship with a customer.

You can completely transform this process by reaching out to a potential customer with a friendly video. In this video, you can explain how your business can help them along their journey. You could then embed interactive buttons onto the video so they could send you a video reply, check out your website, or book a meeting with you to discuss further.

16. Add thought-leadership posts to your social media

Social media is very effective for brand awareness and a great way to enhance the credibility of your business is to offer value. It’s very easy to create thought-leadership posts using StoryPrompt and these can be uploaded to social media. Viewers can then respond to your video and you can engage in healthy debates and discussions.

An example of thought-leadership content is asking your CEO to create some content and then drip feeding it to leads. Below is an example of thought-leadership content created by StoryPrompt's CEO.

17. Create educational videos using screen-share 

Screen-share is a great way to capture content and share with potential customers. You could record sneak peaks about new features that are about to be released, record updates, plans etc – the sky’s the limit here. Viewers can then respond with comments or questions and you can converse with them asynchronously.

With StoryPrompt screen-share can be used by either party, so this process can definitely limit the number of scheduled meetings that need to take place. Many meetings can be eliminated and transformed into asynchronous updates.

This is a screenshot of a screenshot prompt that has been captured. This can then easily be responded to with feedback.

18. Stitch personalized videos together to form a movie

StoryPrompt allows you to easily stitch videos together and make a movie. This can all be done through drag and drop and without needing any editing experience or external tools. You could collect video messages from your team for different occasions, for example holiday greetings.

This is a great way to show the people behind the business and to create a friendly impression of your company.

These can then be embedded onto your website or on social media. You could even create a team "Wall of Love."

19. Bring a personal touch to customer check-ins

Instead of sending a check-in email to customers or prospective customers, you can make it much friendlier to check in using video. Realistically, how many of those boring check in emails do we receive a month anyways? 

By sending them a friendly video the lead will immediately think you have put in some effort checking in with them. Also because it’s such a personal approach, they are likely to appreciate this unique touch. As with all StoryPrompt videos, you can embed a button on the video so they can book a meeting with you if they’d like to discuss anything with you.

20. Convert more customers with video case-studies

Just like video testimonals, potential customers will really be able to relate to case-studies from people who have a positive experience with your business. They might also discover a use-case that they might have not considered.

By adding video into a case-study, the experience becomes that much more relatable and authentic. It's a great way to showcase the impact your business has made on a customer.

21. Create a video newsletter

Newsletters are a great way to send updates and announcements to customers. But unfortunately these are often boring and therefore ignored. By sending updates and announcements over video, newsletters become more relatable and interesting to watch. A customer will also be able to see the people behind the company and the whole experience will feel more personalized. And obviously more unique.

This content can then be repurposed and used for social media. This way you can post updates and announcements onto your social media and attract the attention of potential customers. It makes a great first impression as your company will instantly appear transparent and friendly.

22. Use QR codes at a live event

One of the most important elements of a live event is to receive valuable feedback from your attendees. This can really help you to understand what you did right, wrong, and need to improve on. 

But instead of sending an attendee a boring form, you can ask them to scan a QR code from the actual event and record some feedback for you. Now, not only are you receiving your feedback instantly, when they are truly delighted, but you are gathering video testimonials that can be used to promote your next event.

It’s a win, win for everyone and truly effective.


In this article I have described 22 ways you can use StoryPrompt to capture the attention of new customers. There are many opportunities to use videos in different stages of the buyer’s journey – for example on social media for brand awareness and checking in with customers to answer their questions.

If you want to stand out from your competitors, you really need to start using video. It's no longer ok to hide behind text and make excuses about not being camera ready.

StoryPrompt makes it really easy to record videos, create professionally produced testimonials, engage with your customers and embed videos onto your website. So the complaint that video is too challenging or time-consuming is no longer acceptable.

It's easier than ever to showcase your company as being human, approachable and most importantly trustworthy.

Start humanizing your brand today by signing up to StoryPrompt for free.

Martine Hammar

Customer Success Manager at StoryPrompt

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